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201 East Franklin, Eldridge, IA, 52748

When is it time to move to Assisted Living?

Moving a senior into assisted living is a serious decision that involves much discussion. Below are some of the things to consider before making the move:

  • It is ideal to involve seniors in the discussions about their move to an assisted living facility; consulting with them will make them feel involved in the process and reduce the chance of feelings of resentment.
  • If the senior is having trouble handling Activities of Daily Living, which include bathing, eating, dressing, toileting, and taking medications: If seniors are dropping their medication on the floor and forgetting about it or cannot administer their own medication, they could benefit greatly by moving to an assisted living facility. Aging Care states that “Each senior is unique and may not display clear signs that it’s time for a higher level of care. When determining whether to explore a transition to senior living, consider your loved ones daily schedule, health status, functional abilities, current and future care needs, and quality of life.”
  • When there is a change in the caregiver’s personality and stress level, because they don’t have time to meet their own basic needs: For example, when caregivers are missing work or not meeting their families needs, assisted living can provide them with relief.
  • If there have been falls in the house, there is an increased risk of another fall and if the senior has Osteoporosis – breaking a hip, other bone or hitting their head can be disastrous – even fatal. Elderly care facilities have safeguards in place to reduce the risk of their residents falling.
  • If there is a decline in cognitive function: Seniors with progressive stage symptoms of Alzheimer’s or Dementia cannot be properly cared for by a family member; the senior should be cared for by trained staff at a memory care facility such as Grand Haven Moments Memory Care in Eldridge, IA.
  • Social Isolation: Seniors who experience social isolation are more susceptible to developing Alzheimer’s or Dementia and will benefit from friendships and social activities implemented on a regular basis in an assisted living facility.
  • If there is a decline in nutrition: If they look malnourished, are losing or gaining significant amounts of weight and if the senior doesn’t have the ability to shop for themselves or make meals any longer.
  • If there is an issue with housekeeping, such as it being cluttered and messy, if there are soiled sheets and kitchen items are not being cleaned properly.
  • When making this decision, it is also important to discuss the issues with the senior’s Physician so they are aware of the situation and can provide their recommendations.


Deciding to transition a loved one to assisted living is never easy. It is a choice to ensure their safety and health. By carefully evaluating their ability to manage daily tasks and manage their physical, cognitive, social and emotional needs, you can make an informed decision that will benefit their quality of life. Involving the senior in the discussion, consulting healthcare professionals, and addressing the needs of caregivers are important steps in the process. Assisted living offers a supportive environment where seniors can thrive with personalized care, and independence.

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